John Winslade-DVD- Narrative School Counseling Powerful & Brief-Part II

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John Winslade-DVD- Narrative School Counseling Powerful & Brief-Part II


The principles of Narrative School Counseling are demonstrated in this actual session that John conducts with 14 year-old Matt and his mother. Matt is having problems getting adjusted to high school. His grades are suffering and he is concerned with his mother�s intervening to make sure that he completes his schoolwork. Gerald Monk participates as a reflector and finally, Matt and his mom respond to the reflections. This interview is a good demonstration of Narrative Counseling.
Running Time: 57 minutes
John Winslade is one of the leading figures in the narrative therapy movement and is a teacher of narrative counseling at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand. He is the co-author of Narrative Counseling in Schools (1999), Narrative Mediation(2000), and Narrative Therapy in Practice.

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