Tom Andersen & Harlene Anderson-DVD-Dialogues And Postmodern Connections: 3 Part Series

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Tom Andersen & Harlene Anderson-DVD-Dialogues And Postmodern Connections: 3 Part Series


PART ONE: MOSTLY TOM Tom defines "postmodernism," elaborates a chronology for the ideas and discusses some very provocative thoughts which stimulate graduate student discussion in class. There are subtitles throughout and suggested times that the recording be stopped for brief discussion.
Running Time: 13 minutes 50 seconds

PART TWO: MOSTLY HARLENE Harlene describes her version of "Postmodernism" and expands her discussion to the development of her ideas with Harry Goolishian and the Houston-Galveston group. She traces the development of the ideas from Kelly's personal construct theory, through constructivism and social constructionism. Very informative and interesting and appropriate for graduate classes in this area. There are subtitles throughout, so the names, references and ideas are highlighted. There are suggested times for the recording to be stopped for brief discussion.

Running Time: 14 minutes 30 seconds

PART THREE: CONTRASTS AND SIMILARITIES Tom and Harlene actively dialogue about what their therapy is and what it isn't. They compare their work to Minuchin's, deShazer's, White's, each other and finally they discuss Carl Rogers work. There are subtitles throughout so the names, references and ideas are highlighted and suggested times that the recording be stopped briefly for discussion to occur.

Running Time: 30 minutes

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