Susan B. Levin-DVD-When Battering Occurs

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Susan B. Levin-DVD-When Battering Occurs


This interview discusses violence in relationships and what we as therapists can contribute to our clients in difficult and sometimes dangerous situations. Sue discusses some of her research, difficulties with labeling, political implications of labeling and the difficulties involved in the languaging of violence. Some client cases and the resources available for them are discussed as well as the difficulties that occur after a violent relationship ends. Sue works from the Collaborative Language model and talks about the “not-knowing” stance.
Running Time: 43 Minutes

Susan B. Levin, Ph.D., is the executive-director of The Houston-Galveston Institute in Houston, Texas, where she is also a faculty member. Her clinical and academic work reflect a post- modern, collaborative approach to research and therapy. She has presented and published on topics including qualitative research, the effects of war and danger, working with children and women who have been battered. 

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